Friday, December 31, 2021


The Ghanta Ghar or Golden Jubilee Clock Tower landmark of peshawar made to commemorate the golden jubilee of queen victoria queen victoria who reigned more than 60 years on a throne longest reigning British monarch , at that time , so in order to celebrate that there was a golden jubilee celebration from 1837 to 1897.

Medals were issued to celebrate that with the face of queen victoria and there was a distinct ribbon with blue and white color in fact at that time the queen victoria was also declared as empress of india which was to celebrate her rule over the indian subcontinent comprising of India ,Bangladesh & pakistan . 

This was the golden moment of her rule although she was more than 80 years at that time and more than 60 years she had spent on the throne and because of this the British empire or the British raj where the sun would never set decided to celebrate it with the big bang in the colonies they held. 

Like in Canada a stamp was issued the indian army composing of the punjab and the bengal army marched in the streets of london in front of the parliament building. 

indian personal secretaries like munshi abdul Kareem was Ushered in from India to serve the Queen Victoria and he taught the queen how to read and write an urdu which is the language of the people of indian subcontinent 

Sample of the urdu writing of queen victoria under the tutor munshi abdul kareem

A golden jubilee clock tower was erected in exmouth exeter in 1897

Similarly in the isle of wight in uk in 1897 which is the holiday destination of the queen a clock tower was erected 

Victoria jubilee fountain in halifax canada was also laid down similarly in calcutta india in 1897 a statue of her sitting on a throne was commissioned. 

In rawalpindi in front of general headquarters of pakistan army a statue of her was commissioned

Similarly in peshawar there was a clock tower now known as Ganta ghar or Cunningham Clock tower built by the governor of Pakhtunkhwa ( NWFP  North West Frontier Province ) .

The Governor Mr cunningham 1937 -47 Did he really Make this Clock as he was not even Commissioned in indian Civil Service till 1911 and this Clock Tower was made in 1900 ? 

or is it made by somebody else because if you look at the tower there is a signboard on it interestingly the signboard tells the story of who donated the money like a Lala Bai manand Doja for the construction of the clock tower in 1900  and the name of Governor cunningham is also on the signboard but it is really Misleading 

IT tells the date of construction Completion as the year 1900 when it was completed but all this is a bit more confusing because cunningham was the governor of khyber pakhtunkhwa or northwest frontier province in 1937 to 1946 for 2 Tenures en years and then later from 1947 to 48 for the third Tenure . 

Cunningham was not there in the year 1900 as he was Captain of Rugby for Scotland till 1911 and was in UK and not in Indian Sub Continent. 

There is another signboard on the tower where they say that 200 men went to war in the world war one 1914 1919 and seven of them gave up their lives so it looks that maybe this tower is constructed after the world war one in the 1930s 

Is it it is possible ? , this is one theory that maybe the name of cunningham clock tower is present on the tower because this tower was made in 1937-39,s  after the world war -1  and before the world war -2 ? 

Maybe this was meant to commemorate the golden jubilee of the queen in the 1900s , and was made really in 1900,s ? 

So let's look at the two possibilities because at the time of 1900 the province of northwest frontier promise did not exist because it was part of afghanistan and afghanistan had claim over north west frontier province and the durrand line made in 1893 was not recognized by afghanistan till and there was a war in 1919 known as the 3rd Anglo of Afghan war . 

Afghanistan under King Aman ulluh Khan Durrani Tried to get back its Lost territories till Delhi , Current Pakistan Areas that also included Lahore . 

So if this Clock tower was made before that ?  then it was not made by Governor George cunningham who was from dundee scotland and he was a good rugby player and Represented his Country as Captain of Scotland Rugby team till 1911 and was in England till then . 

As one can see his tenures as Governor Pakhtunhwa starting from 1937 and finishing in 1946 and then another one from 1947 to 48. so this does not match up with Date of Completion of this Clock Tower in 1900 AD. 

So if Governor George cunningham did not make this who actually made it ? 

Because at that time Pakhtunkhwa was under Commissioners Rule and that of Political agents ruling Peshawar under Governor Punjab 

First Commissioner of Peshawar Mr Harold Dean Actually started from 1901 AD , When the province was declared as being made in Indian Subcontinent under the British Raj after its Separation from Afghanistan . 

Afghanistan After Separation was Declared a Separate Country in 1919 August after Rawalpindi Agreement with King Aman Ulluh Khan after he Lost the 3rd Anglo Afghan war of 1919 , and till 1919 Pakhtunkhwa was Disputed Country that Also Included Punjab , Baluchistan and Kashmir Area as well as they were Previously under Afghanistan 

So if it was not Commissioner Harold Dean who actually made it ? then Maybe as Commissioner Harold dean of Peshawar was Answerable to the governor of punjab ! 

Punjab at that time had been under the occupation of the british so there is a possibility that the Governor of punjab may have given the order for making this Golden Jubilee clock tower ? it is a possibility as Second Option 

Contractor of Peshawar Lala bay Maimond Doja maybe he's the one who actually uh made it under Design of  James stretchan of Peshawar Municipality.  

 I visited the uh beautiful landmark of peshawar it's near the Qisa Khwani bazaar or the chowk Yadgar Commemorating the Slaughter of Peshawar People after they Rose up to Demand a Separate Province and Provincial Parliament of Pakhtunkhwa . it all makes Sense . 

The Street Further goes up to Gor gathri Historical complex 

Governor punjab at that time was Sir William Mackworth Young his tenure coincides with the making of this clock tower in 1900 and since the statue of Queen victoria was also uh put in front of the General headquarters in Rawalpindi at same time . 

Maybe he as Governor Punjab  also ordered a clock tower for Peshawar Designed James strachan and contributed in Money by the people of peshawar 

In 1965 this clock tower was destroyed by bombing by the indian Aircraft and in 1965 it was constructed again so maybe in 1965 they committed a mistake uh by writing the name of the wrong governor of Pakhtunkhwa ? 

 So i hope you liked this video about the Peshawar Golden Jubilee clock tower of George Cunningham and i hope you subscribe to my channel and press the bell icon to see such wonderful videos .