Saturday, March 7, 2020



Caravan Sarai has a Middle Court yard and 150 Rooms on Sides Architecture 

Royal Sher Shah Suri Yousafzai Road or GT Road for British. 

Sher Shah Suri Road was the First ever Straight Road made by Afghan Pashtun Rulers of Afghanistan and India the yousafzai Pashtun king Sher Shah Suri .

From Kabul to India the Pashtuns and Tajiks  who are Jointly called the Afghans made the Sher Shah Suri Road which Starts from Kabul and Leads to India was made by Yousafzai King of India called  " Sher Shah Suri"  Road .

Sher Shah Suri Yousafzai  Road from Kabul to India and Bangladesh 

The British Afraid of their Glory of Pashtuns and the Afghans Changed the Name of Sher Shah Suri Road to GT Road , to hide the History of Glory of Afghans  .

Sher Shah Suri  Yousafzai Afghan King of India 1500 AD to 1550

The Also changed the Names to Sarhad/ Frontier  of Areas of Afghanistan that was Around Peshawar and Rawalpindi separated from it after Durrand line Agrement ( Rawalpindi in 1878 was made GHQ of their Army with cantonments to Fight the Pashtuns) as old Name of that Area was Pakthunkhwa .

Frontier where they sun of British Empire set down for Ever as they claimed that Sun Never set down in British imperial Kingdom at any time as it was so vast .Yet the same as British were labeling Frontier/Sarhad as places where their empire ended and they could go no further as their goals was to Protect India form the Russians and they lied beyond Afghanistan .

British had designs on Afghanistan and Central Asia and is Known as Great Game which continue till Today in one form or another but know the lead taken over by the Americans and Pakistani as Partners to conquer Afghanistan now in same way but in different way .

The British also Made " Durand line" in 1898  by Force with Agreement with Durrani Pashtun Empire of India established since Pani Pat battle in 1747.

Durand Line was to Stop the Invasions of Afghans to India as they were the one to Rule India  for last 5000 Years in one form or Another . The British did the Same with Ranjeet Singh who was Funded by East India company and also his Troops were led by 17 British and European commanders and one of them was Installed as Peshawar Governor Palo Avi Table by the Sikhs on Instructions of East India company.

He used to live in Peshawar Carvan Sarai in Gor Khatree by the way and made it his residence along with his Horses and Animals in its court yard and his office was Balahisar Fort .

General Paolo Avi table of Ranjeet Singh Funded by East India Company . 

The Tajik Afghan Mughals used  the Sher Shah Suri Road and Used it to Invade India , from Afghanistan  after they Dislodged the Pashtuns Sher Shah Suris ,  the Mughals came from Bukhara and Samarkand at that time part of Afghanistan ( later made Uzbekistan after 1898 by Russian Czars after the Annexed this Area from Afghans after Panjdeh Incident  ) this road would serve the Purpose of trade and Army and was important part of Silk Route .

It is Interesting the India was Always Ruled by Afghanistan in one form or other either via Pashtuns or Tajiks Afghans as Mughals but it was Always the ruling class from Afghanistan

Kos a measure of distance: 

Kos is a Sanskrit word that means 1.8 km (11/8 mile) or 3.2 km (2 miles) distance and it was used to measuring the Distance on the Royal Sher Shah Suri Road from Kabul to India   which was Made by Sher Shah Suri the Afghan Pashtun Yousafzai King of India who ruled India  in 1550 AD.

After 1550 the Mughals Tried to Capture India by Invading from Kabul after they Originated from Bukhara and Samar Kand ( Uzbekistan later made Separate country from Afghanistan ) .

The Mughals would travel a lot on Royal Sher Shah Suri Road ( British Named it GT Road after 18527 to Hide the Glory of Pashtuns) to conquer India and Keep thier rule Intact and they used Measure of Distance called Kos as Known in Farsi  Language of Mughals Tajiks who came from Afghanistan .

Kos Minars

Kos Minars 

After every 8 Kos ( 24 KM or 16 Miles )  Mughals and  Afghan Kings would construct Kos Minar is a round pillar, about thirty feet high, built of brick or stone 1000 of the towers were put up across the Mughal Empire. They marked the road and also the empire and find out that how far did it had to go it was also important of the safety of the empire and was good to send message across the road very fast. Historians think that they were about 168 Kos Minars and some still survive from Kabul to India and espeacilly from Lahore to Agra Near Delhi .

Kos Minar is a round pillar, about thirty feet high, built of brick or stone 1000 of the towers were put up across the Mughal Empire. They marked the road and also the empire and find out that how far did it had to go it was also important of the safety of the empire and was good to send message across the road very fast. Historians think that they were about 168 Kos Minars and some still survive 

170 Caravan Serai,s for Travelers from Kabul to India :

evidence Exists Carvan Serai were made before Mughals and on Silk Road as well 

On the Royal Road there were about 170 carvan Serai in the time of Mughals and they still exists today in one form and another and a Famous one is in Fateh Pur India near Delhi and Agra , and one of them is in Peshawar at Gor Khatri .

Cravan Sarai at Fateh Pur Sikri India 
Caravan Sarai Bhopal India on Sher Shah Suri Road 

Mughal Caravan Serai Gor Khatree Peshawar

One of them is in Peshawar at Gor khatri Peshawar on the Sher Shah Suri Road near the Balahisar fort Area and it is also Near the Kissa Khawani Famous Bazar for the travelors on silk route from Bakhari and Samarkand .

Sher Shah Suri Yousafzai /GT Road Peshawar Near Balahisar Fort and Near Caravan Sarai 

The Mughal Caravan Sarai can be Approached on street to Cunningham Clock  Tower and then Proceeding straight to Mughal Carvan Sarai there on Road called Road .

on this same Road which Goes straight to the Mughal Caravan Sari and enter its gates , the Street where this happens is also houses that are more then 300 to 500 Year Old and and the famous Sethi Street also Opens from here on Right Side on this Road . 

Caravan Sarai rooms

Side View of Caravan Sarai Gate

Caravan Serai was a large and a square or a rectangular building with a big strong walls with one or two gateways and has many rooms where they could sleep. In the center was a court yard. It also had mosques and kitchens and sometimes bath houses.

Caravan Serai Side rooms

Caravan serai was build for travelers and traders because they needed a safe place to sleep and there animal and their belongings to get stolen and it was free of cost for Travelers

 It had no servants you will have to make your own food and had to make your own bedding. There were about 90 to 150 rooms in it. Some Caravan Serai still survives in the modern days and might hold more or less than 800 to 1000 persons with the horse’s camels and carriages .People who do not get more rooms gets to set up a tent in the court yard .

Carvan Serai Doors which were closed in 6pm and open at 6 am 

For security the gates were closed in the evening at 6 pm and reopened in the morning at 6 am after the gates are open the watchmen cries out loud saying you must look for your belongings after going out if anyone suspects that their belongings are stolen the gates does not open until they are found. And they were found in the royal road which is now Named Sher Shah Suri road

Caravan Sarai entering door

Caravan Serai Peshawar Rooms

Caravan Serai was a large and a square or a rectangular building with a big strong wall with one or two gateways and has many rooms where they could sleep. In the center was a court yard. It also had mosques and kitchens and sometimes bath houses.

Caravan Serai Side rooms

Caravan serai was build for travelers and traders because they needed a safe place to sleep and there animal and their belongings to get stolen and it was free of cost but had no servants you will have to make your own food and had to make your own bedding. There were about 90 to 150 rooms in it. Some Caravan Serai still survives in the modern days and might hold more or less than 800 to 1000 persons with the horse’s camels and carriages .People who do not get more rooms gets to set up a tent. 

Carvan Serai Doors which was closed in 6pm and open at 6 am

For security the gates were closed in the evening at 6pm and reopened in the morning at 6 am after the gates are open the watchmen cries out loud saying you must look for your belongings after going out if anyone suspects that their belongings are stolen the gates does not open until they are found. And they were found in the royal road which is now named sher shah suri road 

Caravan Serai Gor Khatri Peshawar Rooms

Heavy Door of Caravan Serai to Protect the travelers  from Thieves 

Peshawar Caravan Sarai